Forum of Sensory Motion
MULCH: A System Garden Picnic

Throughout 2019, The Ian Potter Museum of Art have turned thier attention to exploring the many ways that art can be expressed and experienced outside of the their customary exhibition context. So far they’ve welcomed performance, dance and textiles, and this month they’re turning to the art of nature – or more specifically, the University of Melbourne’s best kept secret, the System Garden.
The University of Melbourne’s System Garden dates back to 1856, three years after the founding of the University.
The System Garden was designed as a unique formal scientific, cultural and landscape feature rather than a recreational garden. Still remaining as a scientific and teaching garden the 1.5 acre site is now a secure public garden to be enjoyed by all.
The System Garden contains cultivated garden beds that represent the evolution of plants from the non flowering Gymnosperms, mosses, cycads and conifers through to the vast flowering Angiosperms.
Centrally located is the original and unique potting shed tower from when the garden was established.
MULCH: A System Garden Picnic
Forum of Sensory Motion
The Ian Potter Museum of Art, Inside Out Program
System Garden Melbourne University
9 November 2019
Artist: Lichen Kelp
Sound Artist: Dylan Martorell
Performer: Benjamin Hancock
WITCH - Athens

Performing live to a score by Dylan Martorel, Benjamin Hancock presents his solo work WITCH, engaging in practises of transformation, possession and integration to realise the ever-changing potentialities of the body.
These occurrences are placed in specialised public areas, interrupting prescribed rituals of how the body should operate in such spaces.
WITCH is a continuation of site specific performances seeded from the nomadic artist residency group Forum of Sensory Motion.
Artist Residency
Athens Greece
June - July 2017
Venue: Exit Art Gallery - Evmorfopoulou 6, Athina 105 53, Greece
Latraac Cafe and Skate Bowl - Leonidou 63-65 Athens, Greece
Creator/Performer: Benjamin Hancock
Curated by: Forum of Sensory Motion
Funding: Creative Victoria
WITCH - Acropolis

Performing live to a score by Dylan Martorel, Benjamin Hancock presents his solo work WITCH, engaging in practises of transformation, possession and integration to realise the ever-changing potentialities of the body.
These occurrences are placed in specialised public areas, interrupting prescribed rituals of how the body should operate in such spaces.
Artist Residency
Athens Greece
June - July 2017
Venue: Residency Rooftop - Acropolis
Creator/Performer: Benjamin Hancock
Curated by: Forum of Sensory Motion
Costume: Anastasia La Fey
Funding: Creative Victoria
WITCH - Jewell Station
PLATFORM MoreArt 2017
Jewell Train Station Brunswick
28 - 29 November 2017
Creator/Performer: Benjamin Hancock
Curated by: Forum of Sensory Motion
Produced by: Illana Russell
Costume: Jack Hancock
Performing live to a score by Dylan Martorel, Benjamin Hancock presents his solo work WITCH, engaging in practises of transformation, possession and integration to realise the ever-changing potentialities of the body.
These occurrences are placed in specialised public areas, interrupting prescribed rituals of how the body should operate in such spaces.
Platform is a series of performances and installations at Jewell Station for MoreArt 2017.
WITCH is a continuation of site specific performances seeded from the nomadic artist residency group Forum of Sensory Motion.